Coaches Education Program

Resources from Thibodaux Regional Sports Medicine Center

Coaches play a critical role in the performance of an athlete—but they can also contribute to their health and well-being as well. At Thibodaux Regional Sports Medicine Center, we provide the education and resources coaches need to keep their players safe and excelling on the field.

We work closely with area coaches to provide the best for their athletes. Coaches are invited to attend numerous complimentary workshops throughout the year. These seminars cover topics such as strength and conditioning, CPR, common athletic injuries, concussion, and heat illness. If you would like to attend our next meeting, give us a call and we would be glad to provide you with a calendar of events. We can also provide educational information to your staff at your facility. Let us know if you are interested by calling one of our professionals today.

Learn more about Weight Circuits for Fitness Training HERE.